"GUV LED Sterilization equipment Technical Specification" group standard revised!

发布时间:2020-11-13 14:53 来源:萤光创新
As the epidemic spreads around the world
Disinfection products are more favored by everyone
Among them, ultraviolet sterilization and disinfection products are attracting more attention
In fact, UV disinfection products have been around for years
Recently, it has gained more popularity and recognition because of the epidemic

In order to standardize the industry standards and promote the development of the industry
Fluorescent Innovation and 46 other organizations participated in the preparation of the group standard "GUV LED Sterilization Equipment Technical Specification", which was officially released on September 24, 2020
The standard is the first in the world to adopt the quantum theory of light to regulate sterilization
The wavelength range of sterilization ultraviolet light emitting diode (GUV LED) sterilization and disinfection device is specified for 200-290nm
Classification, technical requirements, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage. In order to provide guidance to industry research and development, design, manufacturing and safe use.
The group standard will be officially implemented on October 1, 2020.
At present, the group standard of "Technical Specification for GUV LED Sterilization Device" has been uploaded to shenzhen Standard Information platform
Germicidal ultraviolet radiation GUV
The peak wavelength ranges from 180 nm to 290 nm, which is ultraviolet radiation aimed at sterilization and disinfection
The DEFINITION of GUV is derived from the CIE Position Statement on the Use of UV Radiation to Manage the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission, Published in May 2020.
CIE Position Statement on Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation to Manage the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission May 12, 2020
Single spectrum leds with peak wavelengths between 200nm-290nm
GUV LED sterilization device
The device is composed of GUV LED module, quartz glass or uv permeable material, shell or cavity, drive power and control unit to achieve the preset sterilization and disinfection effect

Technical Specification for GUV LED Sterilization and disinfection Equipment
Group standard main definitions
It is reported that "GUV LED Sterilization equipment Technical Specification" the development of the group standard took several months
Through extensive research, after 6 times of repeated modification and discussion. During the revision process, more than 100 suggestions were received from 16 enterprises, and about 80% of the opinions were adopted.

The publication of the group standard "Technical Specification for GUV LED Sterilization Equipment" is a kind of protection for enterprises in the industrial chain.
The publication of the standards can effectively guide the direction of research and development and regulate market behavior.
"The LED sterilization device is not a simple commercial product, but more importantly a social responsibility,
What companies should consider is how to help humans better coexist with viruses.
Providing good products is not just a business responsibility, but also a responsibility."










